Prairie Chicken Pete - Song Page
© words & music by Annie Wilson
from the album Out on the Tallgrass Prairie

Album Note:  

The listener feels Pete’s anxiety and excitement as hikes up to the prairie lek, determined to dance and boom his way to romance.  

This song celebrates the remarkable springtime ritual of this critical prairie species, even ending with some actual recording of prairie chicken booming sounds.  

Prairie chicken numbers are in steep decline, and important point of song is that “we need more Prairie Chickens like Prairie Chicken Pete!”

We need to preserve large areas of intact grassland, away from invasive trees and development.


Recording of booming is courtesy of Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Above photo is courtesy of Pixabay 

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Prairie Chicken Pete rose early 

well before sun rise,           

Thinkin’ here’s the day that I’ll be wed.

I’ll win my prairie prize.


Pete gathered all his courage 

as he hiked up to the lek. 

He practiced puffing out the sacs 

on each side of his neck.


But he worried when he got up top 

and saw those other males, 

Their wings spread low and feathers up 

around their necks and tails.


Each was strutting back and forth

to stand out from the rest.

They stomped & boomed with all their might

to show that they’re the best.


In this prairie chicken ritual,

the females are the choosers.

The girl decides the boy she wants

while others are the losers.


Sometimes there’d almost be a fight

though no one would get hurt.

The males faced-off and jumped so high 

they’d raise a little dirt.


The boys and Pete danced desperately

showing off their wares,

while hens were gathered round the sides 

pretending not to care.


Then behind some grass,

Pete saw Patty - pretty as you please.

He caught her looking back at him.

He fell right to his knees.


But up he rose and filled his cheeks 

and boomed a long ooo-looo.

It echoed cross the prairie 

to show his love was true.


Would she choose him for her man? 

Will his quest be done?

Or have his efforts been in vain – 

he’ll never be the one.


Then Patty stepped out from the edge 

and walked right up to Pete.

She bowed and spread her wings to give 

that special meet and greet.


So they went off for their wedding day 

and proved their love was true.

Soon Patty left to build her nest 

and start her life anew.


Now I hope you won’t think less of Pete, 

but frankly it’s the truth.

That very same day Pete went back 

and wed a hen named Ruth.


This is simply nature’s way 

though it may seem indiscreet.

To grow all the chicks that we can get 

from boys like Chicken Pete.


Cause without the Prairie Chickens, 

Our prairie’s not complete.

We need more Prairie Chickens

like Prairie Chicken Pete.


So-when-you’re walking in the prairie 

on a day in early Spring.

Perhaps a far-off booming sound 

across the hills will ring.


Imagine all the prairie chickens 

yearning for a mate.

Up there dancing hard as they can dance – 

just to get a date!