Country Wave - Song Page
© words & music by Annie Wilson
from the album Out on the Tallgrass Prairie

Album Note:

Describes our rural custom of waving at drivers of all vehicles we pass on our back roads – stranger or not - to give a country-style greeting. 


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When travelin’ down our back roads, there’s a gesture that we make:

When we meet another driver, we give “the country wave.”

We raise a hand up off the wheel and give a nod or smile,

Acknowledge that we see them and greet ‘em country style.        


It’s usually a neighbor, but it doesn’t matter who.

We always wave at strangers, ‘cause they are people, too.

To pass another person but look straight ahead and stare

Just seems so unfriendly - like you didn’t even care.


A wave is just a courtesy. It isn’t hard to do. 

It tells the other person: “I think you matter, too.” 

 So to recognize their presence passing by your way,

You keep the local courtesy and give the country wave.   


But when we travel to the city, we teach our kids that here,

If you wave at other drivers, they’ll just think you’re weird.

So we pass by other people and pretend there’s no one there,

Act like we’re so busy, we don’t have time to care. 


We tell our kids there’s dangers and fears and reasons why.

But they say:  not to-even wave just seems so impolite.

So sometimes they wave anyway, and it sure does make us glad

When now and then we see those city people waving back!